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Institutional Investment

We are an investment firm focused on managing equity and multi-asset portfolios.

Boston Trust Walden is known for its distinctive investment philosophy, disciplined approach, and leadership in impact investing.

Boston Trust Walden’s investment philosophy is centered on investing in high quality
securities. Our portfolio management teams adhere to systematic, disciplined, and
repeatable processes in financial analysis, integrated ESG research, and tactical asset
allocation. Boston Trust Walden multi-asset and equity portfolios are constructed to
provide diversified exposure to high quality, reasonably valued securities. Because ESG
factors influence corporate financial performance, we believe they are an appropriate
element of a comprehensive analysis of long-term investment prospects.

Over full market cycles, our strategies have produced a distinct performance pattern,
the hallmark of which is downside protection in declining or volatile markets. Our firm
adheres to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) — a set of voluntary
standards based on the principles of full disclosure and fair representation of investment

We work with institutional investors seeking a partner to manage the entirety of their
assets, and with institutional consultants and advisers seeking an investment manager to
manage a segment of their client’s overall portfolio.

Quality is both an absolute standard and a set of relative considerations with dynamic characteristics.

Our Proprietary Strategies

Multi-Asset and Balanced

US Large Cap Core Equity

US Large Cap Value Equity

International Developed Equity

US Mid Cap Core Equity

US SMID Cap Core Equity

US Small Cap Core Equity

How to Invest

Investors can access our strategies through separately managed accounts, proprietary mutual funds, and collective investment trusts. Separately managed accounts can be customized to suit individual client priorities, including environmental and social objectives, mission-related guidelines, and other considerations. Investment minimums vary by strategy and investment vehicle.

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